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Kenneth A. Rosen's continued participation in a diverse range of events demonstrates not only his past engagements but also his ongoing commitment to knowledge-sharing and staying abreast of current legal developments. His extensive experience and willingness to attend new events underscore his dedication to contributing valuable insights to the legal community. Whether exploring the intricacies of bankruptcy law, discussing challenges in leveraged buyout transactions, or providing guidance on executive roles in financial restructuring, Rosen remains open to sharing his expertise and engaging with diverse audiences in legal forums.


The Police and Regulatory Exception to the Automatic Stay: What are the Limits of the Bankruptcy Court’s Authority?

May 12, 2023

The Police and Regulatory Exception to the Automatic Stay: What are the Limits of the Bankruptcy Court’s Authority?


Leveraged Buyout Transactions: Brazil and U.S. perspectives, Capital and Financial Market Research Center

March 3, 2022

The webinar was hosted by the Capital and Financial Market Research Center (CEMC) and discussed the controversial aspects of leveraged buyout transactions from the perspective of Brazilian and US law 1. Leveraged Buyout Transactions: Brazil and U.S. perspectives Kenneth A. Rosen Capital and Financial Market Research Center / Centro de Estudos de Mercado de Capitais e Finaneiro (CEMC) WEBINAR This webinar will discuss the controversial aspects of leveraged buyout transactions from the perspective of Brazil and U.S. Law, particularly the following topics: general aspects of LBO transactions duty of loyalty and duty of care of directors in these operations and the main points of attention after In Re Nine West LBO Securities Litigation (Case No. 20-2941, S.D.N.Y) tax liability of the directors of a target company, after the consolidation of the transaction, according to the view of the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil Speakers: Kenneth A. Rosen, Partner, Lowenstein Sandler LLP Michael Savetsky, Senior Counsel, Lowenstein Sandler LLP Urick Soares, Tax Consultant, William Freire Advogados Associados; Co-Founder, CEMC Lucas Moreira, Co-Founder, CEMC Time:


Responsibilities and Liabilities When a Company is in Distress. And, How to Prepare for a Meeting with Your Lender

December 21, 2021

The webinar, led by Kenneth A. Rosen, Mary E. Seymour, and Jennifer B. Kimble from Lowenstein, focuses on key considerations for companies facing financial distress. It addresses the potential scenarios where incorporation may not shield personal liability for a company's debts, emphasizing the importance of careful management and board practices during challenging times. The session covers topics such as how boards should operate to avoid personal liability and how companies can prepare for negotiations with lenders when seeking relief under loan agreements. The overall goal is to provide insights and best practices for successful financial restructuring while minimizing personal liability risks. The webinar is scheduled for 12 p.m. ET.


The Inaugural NJSBA Bankruptcy and Restructuring Forum, NJSBA, New Brunswick, NJ

November 18, 2021

Kenneth A. Rosen and Arielle B. Adler from Lowenstein participate in The Inaugural NJSBA Bankruptcy and Restructuring Forum. Arielle B. Adler moderates the "Ethics Refresh" panel, discussing conflicts of interest, remote practice, and related topics with a bankruptcy judge, a law school professor, and experienced practitioners. Kenneth A. Rosen contributes to the "Single Asset Real Estate in Bankruptcy" panel, addressing the unique challenges faced by debtors owning single asset real estate during the pandemic and exploring potential solutions with other panelists, including a bankruptcy judge and legal professionals.


How to Preserve Your Job as CEO, CFO or General Counsel in a Bankruptcy Case or Financial Restructuring,

September 29, 2021

Kenneth A. Rosen is listed as a presenter for an event titled "How to Preserve Your Job as CEO, CFO, or General Counsel in a Bankruptcy Case or Financial Restructuring." The event is associated with West/Thomson Reuters and is presented in the format of a webinar. The specific details of the content or date are not provided in the summary.


Retail Distress, Turnaround Management Association

June 10, 2020

On June 10, 2020, Kenneth A. Rosen served as a presenter for the TMA Town Hall: Retail Distress, hosted by the Turnaround Management Association (TMA). The event was conducted via webinar and likely focused on discussing challenges and strategies related to distress in the retail industry.


American Bankruptcy Institute’s 15th Annual Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop

August 2, 2019

Moderator, Health Care Score Card, American Bankruptcy Institute’s 15th Annual Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop, Hershey, PA


Should Labor Bear the Cost of Bad Management? Debt Restructuring in Depressed Industries

February 22, 2018

Moderator, Should Labor Bear the Cost of Bad Management? Debt Restructuring in Depressed Industries, Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations webinar


Geo-politics and the Impact on the Ferroalloys Industry

October 23, 2017

Presenter, Geo-politics and the Impact on the Ferroalloys Industry, CRU Ryan’s Notes Ferroalloys Conference, Scottsdale, AZ


How Policy Influences Domestic Demand,

October 3, 2017

How Policy Influences Domestic Demand Kenneth A. Rosen October 3, 2017 North American Steel Conference 2017 Chicago, IL


Retailers: Chapter 11 and the Rapidly Changing Landscape,

September 19, 2017

National Steel Mill Credit Group, Scottsdale, AZ

Spotting and Reacting to Warning Signs of Financially Distressed Customers: Dodging the Bankruptcy Bullet

November 17, 2016

Spotting and Reacting to Warning Signs of Financially Distressed Customers: Dodging the Bankruptcy Bullet Bruce S. Nathan, Jeffrey D. Prol, Kenneth A. Rosen November 17, 2016 NAtional Steel Mill Credit Group Scottsdale, AZ Ken Rosen, Bruce Nathan, and Jeffrey Prol will lead a discussion entitled "Spotting and Reacting to Warning Signs of Financially Distressed Customers: Dodging the Bankruptcy Bullet." The program is sponsored by NACM Connect and NACM Midwest.

NACM Midwest, Rolling Meadows, IL

Spotting and Reacting to Warning Signs of Financially Distressed Customers: Dodging the Bankruptcy Bullet

April 21, 2016

Kenneth A. Rosen April 21, 2016 NACM Midwest Rolling Meadows, IL Ken Rosen will present "Spotting and Reacting to the Warning Signs of a Financially Distressed Customer: Dodging the Bankruptcy Bullet." Sponsored by the National Association of Credit Management, this program will address the early warning signs hovering over a company at risk of a future bankruptcy filing and how a credit executive can dodge a huge loss by quickly identifying and reacting to these warning signs as they accumulate and point toward the inevitable customer bust.

Credit Research Foundation (CRF) Credit & Accounts Receivable Open Forum

Mining for Hidden Assets and Liabilities: Unlocking a Financially Distressed Customer's Balance Sheet

March 22, 2016

Bruce Nathan and Ken Rosen will present "Mining for Hidden Assets and Liabilities: Unlocking a Financially Distressed Customer's Balance Sheet," along with William A. Brandt Jr., Development Specialists Inc. The program will identify potential assets and liabilities that do not appear on a balance sheet, finding hidden value in a balance sheet when the liabilities side of a balance sheet does not tell the whole story, and when hidden liabilities arise in a bankruptcy or liquidation. The program will also cover unlocking the value of unreported or undervalued intellectual property and below market leases and how other contracts could substantially increase recoveries for unsecured trade creditors in their customer's bankruptcy case. Bruce and Ken will be joined by Bruce Buechler in co-hosting a private dinner with ABC-Amega for invited attendees at the conference.

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Ken Rosen PC shall not and shall not be deemed to be retained unless and until the parties have executed a mutually acceptable written retainer agreement.  The retainer agreement will set forth the terms of engagement. Also, a lack of disabling conflicts must be verified prior to being retained.

The law is subject to interpretation. Each case is unique. The results in one case do not guarantee the results that can be achieved in another case. . The law is subject to interpretation and continually evolves.

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